Walking With Inigo : A Commentary on the Autobiography of St. Ignatius

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SKU SP-8187886404
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A detailed and insightful commentary on the life and spiritual journey of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Coleman guides readers through St. Ignatius' personal experiences, struggles, and transformative encounters that led to the foundation of the Jesuit order. The book explores Ignatius' deep spiritual reflections and his commitment to finding God in all things. With clarity and depth, the commentary illuminates Ignatius' thoughts on faith, discernment, and mission. It provides a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the spiritual legacy of St. Ignatius.

Isbn / Product Code - 8187886404

Dimensions - 21x1x14cm

Printed Pages - 225

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2007

Publisher - Gujarat Sahitya Prakash

Author - Gerald Coleman