Ecclesiae Sponsae Imago (The Image of the Church as Bride)

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The Instruction Ecclesia Sponsae Imago on the Ordo virginum is the result of wide consultation, a synodal work that has involved the participation of bishops, consecrated virgins and experts from all over the world, who have all offered their contribution to highlighting the specificities and the riches of this form of consecrated life. The context in which the document arises, the reasons for its publication and its objectives are outlined in the Introduction, after a broad historical premise, aimed at highlighting the peculiarities of the Ordo virginum and its original ecclesial configuration. The Instruction is divided into three parts: the vocation and witness of the Ordo virginum; the configuration of the Ordo virginum in the particular Churches and in the universal Church; vocational discernment and formation for the Ordo virginum.

Isbn / Product Code - CIPH No 368

Dimensions - 17.7x12.0x0.5 cm

Printed Pages - 111 pages

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2018

Publisher - Carmel Int Pub House

Author -