Caste Victimization

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SKU SP-9788170867968

Caste Victimization : A study on the Dalits , becomes the Tyranny of the day starting from manholes becoming deathtraps of Arunthathiyars to the honour killings due to inter caste marriage one encounters visible expressions of the caste pride and caste impunity the recent alarming caste atrocities in the Indian Subcontinent the disturbing climate of caste exploitation and growing intolerance even at higher levels of learning universities and determined exclusion and oppression of Dalits in all aspects of mainstream life under the banner of religious fundamentalism and globalization are the victimizing events which go viral around the Indian Society.

Isbn / Product Code - 9788170867968

Dimensions - 14 x 21 x 2.3 cm

Printed Pages - 365

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2016

Publisher - ATC Publishers

Author - Jebamalai Irudayaraj