Coping with Fear Made Easy

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SKU SP-9788171088058

Made Easy Series 9 Here you have in simple terms what fear is, how it is generated, how it works, what different effects it produces, and how we can overcome it. Our success in life depends very much on how intelligently and energetically we handle our fears. Deep within us there are powers that we shall never know of until they are unlocked by fear. This book presents you with pages where you recognize yourself or your dear ones and offers valuable helps and hints to understand, accept and respond to your fears in a positive, healthy and fruitful way and to live a happy and satisfying life.

Isbn / Product Code - 9788171088058

Dimensions - 18x1x12cm

Printed Pages - 104

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication -

Publisher - BYB Books

Author - Dr George Kaitholil