Creation as Sacrament

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SKU SP-9789356404052
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John Chryssavgis explores the sacred dimension of the natural environment, and the significance of creation in the rich theological history and spiritual classics of the Orthodox Church, through the lens of its unique ascetical, liturgical and mystical experience. The global ecological crisis affecting humanity’s air, water, and land, as well as the planet’s flora and fauna, has resulted in manifest fissures on the image of God in creation. Chryssavgis examines, from an Orthodox Christian perspective, the possibility of restoring that shattered image through the sacramental lenses of cosmic transfiguration, cosmic interconnection, and cosmic reconciliation. 

Isbn / Product Code - 9789356404052

Dimensions - 21x1.5x14cm

Printed Pages - 232

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2023

Publisher - Bloomsbury

Author - John Chryssavgis