The Justified Moral existence

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SKU SP-9788170867289
This book is a unique study because for the first time a catholic moral theologian in India examines the ground of the moral being of a christian from the perspective of justification in jesus christ the study is realized in three stages in the first the objectives justification in christ is examined the second is a description of the subjective appropriation of the objective justification and the last describes the moral being of the christian as his justified existence priest of the province of st. thomas the apostle in India he has been teaching ethics and moral theology in the seminary of the province and in other institutions of Bangalore.

Isbn / Product Code - 9788170867289

Dimensions - 14 x 21 x 2.5 cm

Printed Pages - 315

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2015

Publisher - ATC Publishers

Author - Dr. Fr. Kuriyan Joseph