Becoming Agents of Togetherness Working for Peace

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SKU SP-9788189851569

Everything leading to an impression of an all against all situation, as though truly ‘Man is a wolf unto Man,’ homo homini lupus. Is strife the only law in nature? Centuries ago thus sang an Indian poet, “A bard am I, my father a leech, and my mother a grinder of corn. Diverse in means, but all wishing wealth, alike for cattle we strive” (Rig Veda x). Today our strife is perhaps for cash, not cattle; but it has persisted. Let us ask ourselves: is self-interest the only motive in human beings? Can my advantage be pursued only at the expense of yours? Do we not as human beings belong together? Can we not come together for our common benefit? Can we look forward to a time when prophetic persons will arise among us who will consider it their mission to bring peoples and communities together.

Isbn / Product Code - 9788189851569

Dimensions - 18 × 12 × 1.4 cm

Printed Pages - 72

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2011

Publisher - Claretian Publications

Author - Thomas Menamparampil