My Way or God's Way

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SKU SP-9788184656718

At the Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth(JDV), Pune, Interdisciplinary Symposium on Neo-Gnosticism and Neo-Pelagianism, a broad spectrum of scholars, students and committed Christians contributed creativity and actively.. Presented in this volume is a modest work-in-progress initiated by the congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, (CDF),Rom, calling for wider deliberations and discernment.33033033033

Isbn / Product Code - 9788184656718

Dimensions - 24.2 x 15.8 x 1.8 cm

Printed Pages - 330

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2018

Publisher - ISPCK

Author - Francis Sj Gonsalves; Arjen Tete; Dinesh Braganza