Two Keys to Walking in Victory

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SKU SP-9789391399146
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The keys to walking in victory namely praying in tongues continually and commanding in the name of Jesus will guarantee that we walk as Jesus and the early christians walked here on earth god has given us dominion and authority to rule and reign here on earth and the holy spirit empowers and equips every believer who is yielded to him to do it when we pray in tongues continually we can live in triumph and all the charisms gifts and the fruits of the spirit will be evident in our lives when our mind is renewed with the word of god we can walk in this god given authority and established the kingdom of god here on earth.

Isbn / Product Code - 9789391399146

Dimensions - 14 x 21 x 1 cm

Printed Pages - 126

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2021

Publisher - ATC Publishers

Author - Colin Calmiano & Priya Calmiano