What When How to Eat

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SKU SP-9788124331354
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Every bite of food matters our body responds to each and every bite of food we intake. All nutrients are chemical components which if taken in right amount can do wonders The selection of right food with right amount, proportion  and quality of nutrients determines our health. And most of us are unable to make these right choices as we are not aware of the small and simple facts. This book comes as a handy tool for all of those wo want to make the right choices of What, When, how to eat. This book comes as a handy tool for all of those wo want to make the right choices of What, When, how to eat.

Isbn / Product Code - 9788124331354

Dimensions - 21.5 x 14.0 x 0.9 cm

Printed Pages - 112

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2016

Publisher - Navnit Book

Author - Rita Bharadwaj