Who's In Charge ?

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SKU SP-9789391019679
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Awaken Your Awareness Use your mind, don’t let it use you. No matter who you are or what your background is, you are worthy of a content and fruitful life. All you need to do is be aware of the manipulations of your mind. Human mind can be a powerful tool if you know how to use it. With the help of many real-life examples and anecdotes, author Anand Patkar delves into the intricacies of human mind to illustrate that contrary to popular belief it is possible to rewire your mind to make it work for you. Patkar equates one’s chaotic state of mind to a monkey to explain the havoc it can cause if left unchecked.

Isbn / Product Code - 9789391019679

Dimensions - 21.9x1.9x13.7cm

Printed Pages - 190

Format - Paperback

Year Of Publication - 2021

Publisher - Jaico

Author - Anand Patkar